Public Primary School in Łopiennik Nadrzeczny is located in a picturesque village surrounded by forests and fields in the southern – east of Poland.
In school there are more than 200 students aged 3 – 15 who study a wide range of subjects that go from science to biology, math, from foreign languages ( English and German) to Polish, PE, art, music.
The school has qualified teaching staff who ensure the comprehensive development of each student and support children with special educational needs. They are surrounded by support and care not only from teachers but also from colleagues. In their work, teachers often use modern educational aids and train students in many skills that are useful to them at the later stages of education. Parents are involved in school activities and participate in decisions concerning its operation.
At Public Primary School, extracurricular activities are carried out to develop interests and broaden knowledge of the subject. Teachers conduct additional classes to develop the ecological awareness of our students during which they prepare presentations, demonstrations and experiments on ecological issues (waste segregation, recycling, renewable energy). For many years we have been organizing a prevention night during which competitions on ecological issues are held, workshops on healthy eating and the use of recyclable materials are held.
Pupils also participate in a range of sporting activities. The strength of the school is the numerous and keen participation of children and young people in lessons and their achievements in competitions.
Under the supervision of teachers, the school’s pupils carry out many charitable, educational, cultural and sporting initiatives, activities and campaigns. There are also toy and food collections, raffles and exhibitions for children in need. The Student Volunteer Group is very active in organizing charity events to support and help the elderly and needy. Numerous performances and cultural events were also organized, integrating the local community with the school family festival, sports day, among others.
We participated in the nationwide educational project “Tradycyjny Sad” (Traditional Orchard). The aim of the project was to educate about the ecological way of caring for trees. We have participated in the following eTwinning projects:
1. The “Blue Planet Day” project implemented tasks concerning climate protection and actions for its protection.
2. Recycling trash earns tomorrow’s best wishes. School is carrying out Erasmus+ project with the school from Portugal KA122-VET – “Be even more, even better”.